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10 things you can do to raise team’s motivation

1. Understand people's emotions and values

The most crucial step is to pinpoint the root of motivation and be able to connect it to the feelings that people are experiencing at the time. When we consider a person's entire system of values, we learn more about what motivates them to wake up each morning and what they live for. When you match their goals and values with those of your team, motivation is increased. You must be aware of their system of values in order to assess it through verbal cues, body language, and facial expressions.

2. Be able to see their interests

All the behavior is interest based. Each actor, whether they are a person, a business, or a nation, acts in their own best interests. When you are aware, you can create a model of their behavior. Then, you wouldn't be surprised by any of the actions, and you could forecast everyone's conduct.

3. Use the motivators that fit each employee personally

Once you are aware of someone's system of values and emotional response, you can begin to use personal motivators to encourage them in a way that is truly unique to them.

4. Reduce stress

The worst kind of demotivator ever is stress at work. It is likely that the entire team will be stressed if the team leader is. However, the stress level of the entire team is also greatly increased when one team member is under stress.

5. Provide healthy challenge

A healthy challenge is one where the task is slightly more difficult than average but where the individual delivering the results is 100% confident that they can do so.

6. Maintaining trust

Trust is the most crucial component of any professional communication. But the majority of individuals quickly fail it. Predictability is the foundation of trust. If you said you would call at 1, kindly call at 1 and not 1:05. The basis for trust through predictability is very small details. Don't ignore it. Additionally, if you promised to provide something by a certain date and you are late, call your client, teammate, boss, or anybody else related and let them know. With the appropriate communication, people will be willing to forgive your delay and will honor you with trust.

7. Provide Autonomy

The majority of competent professionals don't require control. By the time you discussed, they would be pleased to present the outcome. Put some trust in other individuals if you properly communicated the desired result when delegating. However, giving your staff more freedom would be a terrific way to inspire them.

8. Let them feel personal development

People feel extremely thankful to those who make this possibility possible and begin to feel more driven when they feel that they are not stuck and are always moving toward reaching their individual goals.

9. Make it matter

Significance is a very strong motivation booster. People become tremendously involved when they believe they are a part of something significant and greater than themselves.

10. Share common values

Work goes a lot more smoothly when you have a solid company culture that is built on the ideals that your coworkers share.

Please let me know what aligns the most with you in the comments.

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